


Att skapa en transnationell socio-psykologisk profil för unga idrottsstudenter som deltar i dubbla karriärprogram. Denna profil kommer att användas för att främja en positiv utveckling av ungdomar i idrotts- och skolsammanhang, genom implementering av digitala, interaktiva och pedagogiska verktyg.



Socio-Psychological Profile Questionnaire (SPPQ)


BLA Mobile Application


BLA Socio-Psychological Profile


BLA e-Book Guidelines

O1. Socio-Psykologisk Profil Enkät

This questionnaire allows to evaluate the socio-psychological profile (output 2) of student-athletes in terms of: Resilience, Well-being, Passion for school, Passion for sport, Career planning,  Social competences, and Management

O2. BLA Socio-Psykologisk Profil

Det of the common social-psychological competencies that represents the combination of the profiles found in each partner country.

O3. BLA Mobil Applikation

Interactive multi-lingual tool aimed at raising awareness of the BLA Profile (to develop the BLA Socio-Psychological Profile)

The Mobile Application (App) is an interactive multi-lingual tool, that aims at raising awareness of the established sociopsychological profile of student-athletes involved in dual careers programmes. This App allows student-athletes to enhance their sociopsychological profile inside sport, and monitoring their daily routines concerning school and sport, and it also allows to monitor their well-being.

The App is available in 5 languages [EN, PT, ES, IT, SE].

The BLA Mobile App is available at: 

Request to use it (request for username/password) can be made at: 

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